Davide D’Andrea Ricchi: Architect of Franchising Innovation Unveils a Game-Changing Masterpiece

“Let’s Franchise – 69 Secrets to Create a Successful Franchise Network” In collaboration with Forbes, Italia by the Visionary Davide D’Andrea Ricchi  At the forefront of franchising innovation, Davide D’Andrea Ricchi, the visionary behind Sviluppo Franchising, shines as a beacon of Italian excellence and industry leadership. With a storied career and esteemed reputation, Ricchi has […]

UAE based Health-Focused restaurant “Toss & Co” sets sights on franchise growth in The Gulf countries

Vanessa Bayma, a skilled chef based in Dubai, is leading the charge for Toss & Co.’s expansion into fresh markets across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The objective is to establish 25 new outlets throughout the region. Expressing her enthusiasm, Bayma remarked, “It’s a true pleasure to collaborate with Toss & Co. in realizing […]

US based “Brainy n Bright” EdTech center plans massive franchise expansion

Brainy n Bright EdTech Centre in New Jersey, USA  Brainy n Bright, a prominent global STEM institution, has unveiled its ambitious expansion strategy, poised to extend its footprint across the Americas, Middle East, Europe, and Southeast Asian regions. In an era where digital literacy is paramount, the institution is making significant strides to meet the […]